Thursday, June 24, 2010

Getting too big!

I have been getting a lot of comments lately on my blog slacking so I decided I would try to do a little blogging while Ayden was asleep. He's is already 1 hour and 40 minutes into a nap so hopefully I can do this quickly.

I can't believe he Ayden almost 5 months. I love every second of being a mom, even though not much gets done around our house anymore. Jared and I will just stare at Ayden in aah and talk about how cute he is. Even when we leave the room we are right back 5 minutes later to stare some more :) Everyday I am so grateful for my little miracle. I am so grateful he is healthy and happy. Looking back it is crazy how our long wait seems like just a moment.

Ayden is learning new stuff everyday. It makes me sad how quickly he is growing, but in the same second I am so excited for all the new things he does. Here's a few things he has been up to lately...

-He weighted 16lbs 1 oz at his 4 month appointment
-He's wearing 6-9 month cloths (and that's been for a month already :))
-He went to the swimming pool for the first time. He loved it so much he fell asleep in the pool :)
-He has started eating solids. He loves his squash!
-He is rolling over from his back to his stomach.
-He has now found his feet. Which makes diaper changes impossible :)

Monday, February 22, 2010

Our New Addition!

Here are a few quick pics of Ayden the last 2 1/2 weeks. Lil' Ayden is growing like a weed. At his 2 week check he weighed 9 lbs. 3 oz. and is 21 1/2 inches. Where does the time go?

We are absolutely smitten by him and love every second, even the 2am feedings :) which is usually the only time he wakes up during the night! He has been such a good baby.

Jared went back to work the Monday after Ayden was born, but he usually doesn't last all day without making a quick stop back home for lunch to see his baby :) Jared is the best dad. I didn't even have to change a diaper until he went back to work! Jared could sleep through "a dump truck driving through a nitroglycerin plant" so he is not as good at getting up at night to feed the baby :) Jared has been really good about posting pics on facebook so check those out.

Having a baby has been a lot of work and definitely a huge life change, but I wouldn't change it for the world. It was worth everything to get this little miracle here!

He's Here!

Ayden Jared Chatterton
February 3, 2010
10:47 pm
8lbs. 10oz.
20 inches