Saturday, February 28, 2009

Happy B-lated Valentine's Day

Well like always I am behind on my blogging. So I am a little late but HAPPY VALENTINE'S! As always I got spoiled. My "no spending money this year" went about like it always does. I figured it would help since Valentine's was on a weekend, meaning there would be no opportunity to send me the traditional flowers from Tony's Grove to work. He still brought a Cold Stone ice cream cake and a small vase of flowers to me at work on Friday. The cake was awesome and everyone enjoyed their Valentine treat. Jared always does so much for me so I decided for Valentine's this year I would do one of Jared's favorite things (knowing the people who read our blog I need to tell you to get your mind out of the gutter :)). We went snowmobiling up Hardware Ranch with my fam. Later that night we went to The Coppermill for their Valentine buffet. It was so awesome I was craving it for a week after. They have the same buffet the weekend before Mother's Day. So I know where I will be the Saturday before Mother's Day. So I have to give a shout out to Jare and tell him thanks again for an awesome V-day, you are the ultimate gift giver! I heart U, and you will always be my favorite.

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